Saving the Sea, Singing and Dancing for Gold

Amelia has done some wonderful things to achieve her Gold Passport Amelia’s journey towards global citizenship began when she saw something sad at the beach… It was a dead jellyfish. Determined to make a difference, she set her passport target to spread awareness about saving the sea. Using her creativity and imagination, she made aContinue reading “Saving the Sea, Singing and Dancing for Gold”

Stone Age Scones and Sport for Gold!

The gold passports continue! Today it’s Tianna’s turn to write about her achievements this year… My Gold Passport blog Resilience My first favourite target was completing 50 kickups with both feet as it took me around a month to complete because I kept failing but I kept on trying. This taught me to be resilientContinue reading “Stone Age Scones and Sport for Gold!”

Breaking Barriers: The Uncharted Territory of Disability Acrobatic Gymnastics on the International Stage

Hannah explores the world of Disability Acrobatic Gymnastics… Introduction In the world of gymnastics, the grace, strength, and precision of athletes captivate audiences worldwide. However, there’s a lesser-known aspect of the sport that has been struggling to gain the international spotlight – Disability Acrobatic Gymnastics. While gymnastics continues to evolve and diversify, the journey forContinue reading “Breaking Barriers: The Uncharted Territory of Disability Acrobatic Gymnastics on the International Stage”

No single kind of “excellence”…

River writes about how the idea of excellence is more complicated than we might think at first… What is “excellence”? In my life I have experienced many different types of excellence in my life and one thing I have concluded is that there is no guideline to the word excellence which applies to every situation.Continue reading “No single kind of “excellence”…”

The Musical Excellence of Paganini

Mia writes about the famous violinist, Paganini… When thinking of some of the most influential figures in the history of classical music, one man stands out to me— Niccolò Paganini. Born in Genoa, Italy, in 1782, Paganini went on to become one of the most renowned violin virtuosos in history, and for good reason; hisContinue reading “The Musical Excellence of Paganini”

The Crocodile Paradox, and others…

In our International Scholarship Group, students present on topics of their choice to their peers each week. George fascinated us this week with his exploration of the wonderful world of paradoxes. Two examples of his favourite paradoxes are reproduced below… The Crocodile Paradox A crocodile has seized a child for his lunch, but the motherContinue reading “The Crocodile Paradox, and others…”

Robots, Karate and Public Speaking for Gold!

Nirvan writes about his amazing progress with robots, karate and public speaking! I am writing to you to tell you about my three favourite passport targets. Ev3 Lego mind storm An Ev3 Lego mind storm is a robotic kit that teaches you how to build robots and to program them.  This is another favourite ofContinue reading “Robots, Karate and Public Speaking for Gold!”

Climbing high for Gold!

Nathan writes about his exciting journey to a Gold Passport I’ve really enjoyed the journey to achieving my Gold Passport target. Below three are my favourite passport targets during the journey. Problem solving I went to GO-APE Treetop Adventure Plus at first I was a bit scared looking at people screaming on the zip lineContinue reading “Climbing high for Gold!”

Building the Millenium Falcon for Gold!

Leo has become the latest student to achieve a Gold Passport – well done, Leo! My 3 favourite passport targets were as follows: – Building the Star Wars Millennium Falcon with Lego For this one, I had to follow instructions with five thousand pieces to build the Millenium Falcon. I liked doing this target becauseContinue reading “Building the Millenium Falcon for Gold!”

Excellence Creating Stories…

Charlotte writes about her love of creating narratives… Excellence to me is being outstanding in something you do. I think I have excellence in creating stories. Ever since I was young, I loved making stories and I would always have an idea to write for any genres. I had stopped making stories but now I’veContinue reading “Excellence Creating Stories…”

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