Exploring the Writing of Yu Hua

My favourite chinese writer is Yu Hua. Yu Hua was regarded as a promising avant-garde or post-New Wave writer. Many critics also regard him as a champion for Chinese meta-fictional or postmodernist writing.  From his early broken stories to complete stories such as To Live and Xu Sanguan Selling Blood, Yu Hua’s style is consistentContinue reading “Exploring the Writing of Yu Hua”

Deer, Drama and Greek Gods

This is our first Gold Passport of the year, achieved by Phoebe, who has completed 27 targets in her Chase Passport. She writes about her favourite three targets below… Target 1- Creativity For GCSE photography create a piece of hand-sewn artwork which I have not done before. For this target, I had to use creativityContinue reading “Deer, Drama and Greek Gods”

Being a Dramatic, Creative Hitchhiker – for Gold!

Create a Video Game For this target I spent many months, learning from scratch how to draw, animate, make music, and (partially) code. This was a very hard thing to do, but I did finish recently with a product I am very happy with, and I am still releasing updates to this day. I amContinue reading “Being a Dramatic, Creative Hitchhiker – for Gold!”

Big Foot, a Rubik’s Cube and Chess…for Gold!

I would like to share with you my three favourite targets from my passport. My first favourite target in my passport was to solve a Rubik’s cube, testing my creativity. It’s a very difficult task to solve a Rubik’s cube and I always thought of it to be impossible. I felt awesome when I finallyContinue reading “Big Foot, a Rubik’s Cube and Chess…for Gold!”

Monsters, Charity and Cricket … for Gold!

I would like to present my three favourite targets for my blog. For collaboration, I did very well in the sports game of cricket. Ben, Fung and Mr Norris were very pleased and cheered me. I caught the ball. For my integrity and honesty target, I donated one pound to Red Nose Day and gaveContinue reading “Monsters, Charity and Cricket … for Gold!”

The Tree of War

As the plaguing ice, crept through the night, The plunging rain darted in the fight, The darkness lurked inch by inch, To imminently lunge, pounce or pinch. A skulking tree, marking in the floors, Afraid of its thoughts, its kind, its flaws, Denying all requests, deep within, Its trunk, its branches, its leaves, dead straightContinue reading “The Tree of War”

Women in War – Remarkable, Exceptional Women

This is the next in a series of poems written by Chase Grammar students on the topic of war: Women,What woman am I, walking through these crowds like the pain never happened;An inner mystery that no one really knows the answer to. Women,The rules we took in we had to follow,Our minds hollow from society.MenContinue reading “Women in War – Remarkable, Exceptional Women”

No Choice But To Flee

Students from Chase Grammar School recently wrote poetry in a variety of subjects. We will be publishing some of the best work… Dark misty clouds all above The horrifying battlefield Dead soldiers everywhere With bullet battered into their hearts People have no choice But to flee With exploitation everywhere Deserted buildings With soldiers hiding WaitingContinue reading “No Choice But To Flee”

Book Recommendation – ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’

As part of our celebrations of the transformation of our new library space, we continue to publish some book reviews from students at Chase Grammar School. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is a book I found many adults around me had read when they were younger, and they all gave great reviews for it. My DadContinue reading “Book Recommendation – ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’”

First Prep Gold Passport!

We are so proud that children in Prep are now catching up with the Seniors in achieving Gold in their Chase Passports! Here are her top three achievements! NUMBER 1. PAINTING OF A SEA AND SUNSET I HAD SPENT A FEW HOURS PAINTNG MY SUNSET. I COPIED A PHOTO AND VIDEO AND COPIED . IContinue reading “First Prep Gold Passport!”

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